Dynamic Fights
Incredible teamwork gameplay
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GRAL is a futuristic racing game with elements of Combat, a tribute to the games of the years ‘ 90 as the Megara, POD, DethKarz. GRAL Is the acronym for Galaxies Racing Automobile League. By the age of 20, intergalactic journeys have begun to discover new systems and new planets and over the course of a few decades the technology for interplanetary journeys has made great strides forward by bringing the human race to the discovery of tens of dozens of new galaxies Planets and with their new peoples and new alien races.
All these new civilizations distant light years from each other needed something that shared them and that made the peculiarities and qualities of one’s planet visible on all others.
This is how the automotive championship is born between the largest and most spectacular galaxies ever made, GRAL is born!
A championship in which riders from all galaxies are challenged by circuits from the spectacular tracks that, in addition to having great driving skills, require audacity, screeching, cold blood and even a pinch of madness!
In fact, the pilots will have a large arsenal of attack and defense weapons with which to eliminate their opponents or help their teammates.
Planet & Tracks
Planet Zulfur
- Primary element Sulfur
- It is a particularly unstable planet due to its mainly lava conformation. The surface of the planet is in constant change and covered entirely by solidified lava and incandescent rivers. Volcanoes in continuous eruption, immense canyons dug by lava, caves, and conduits created by the erosion of the waterfalls and rivers of magma and lava that flow slowly give life to this infernal setting.
Planet Air
- Primary element Air.
- Composed of floating rocks. The surface of the floating islands is mainly composed of rocks, water and plants. We find the presence of the living and wild vegetation that covers the large rocks carved like a large mineral that floats. Here flow rivers of water that go to die with waterfalls dispersed in the void.
Planet Ice
- Ice primary element.
- It is a planet with glacial temperatures. its surface remains perpetually freezing and covered with snow. Strong winds have shaped the ice as natural sculptures. Large lakes and frozen waterfalls extend over much of the planet’s surface.
Planet Moissan
- Moissanite mineral primary element.
- It is a predominantly rocky planet transformed into a mining quarry for the extraction of the precious and rare Moissanite mineral, a fundamental component for the construction of extremely resistant metal alloys. The strong colors of the mineral form a striking contrast of light and color with the cold and bleak aspect of the rock that forms the landscape.
Teams & Cars
Zulfur Team
- Planet of origin Zulfur
- Fire element
- Average resistance.
- Unmanageable due to its powerful turbine propeller.
- It has a powerful turbine engine to power it,
but it remains more clumsy in the movements than the others
with a directionality not easy to handle. - Basic shot that does a lot more damage than the other cars
exploiting the power of fire.
Air Team
- Planet of origin Air.
- Air element.
- Average resistance.
Ice Team
- Planet of Ice origin
- Ice element
- Basic mediocre shot, little damage.
- But it slows down the other cars with cold (it freezes).
Moissan Team
- Planet of origin Moissan
- Moissanite element
- Greater power than other cars,
thanks to the material extracted from his home planet - Super bodywork.
- Basic shot damage normal.

Devastating missile goes straight ahead of you and does devastating damage follows the vertical course of the track.
A shield that makes you invulnerable for ten seconds. This always takes the different aspect for each planet of origin. So the planet changes only the visual aspect but the shield has the same functionality for everyone.
Follow the path until you find the first opponent and hit him.
Well … put the turbo and go!
Repair the car instantly by 50%.
Coming Soon

Mines releases from the back of the car that explode in the vicinity of opponents.
Surrounds the car with an aura of energy that sucks the one of the adjacent opposing cars with rays that
Electro magnetic pulse: detonate an electromagnetic charge that sends all the opposing cars around you within a radius set by Hispector into tilt for X seconds. The opposing cars do not receive any more input the car continues to inertia and crashes somewhere… we hope in a canyon.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Mixed Power-ups Combination

Effect of the emp but striking when within the range of action. The EMP effect therefore does not have an explosion but lasts over time like the ESucker.
Seekeremp: HeatSeeker + Electro_Bomb
Search missile with EMP effect no physical damage no impact damage.
Droptorpedo: Torpedo + Sticky_Bomb
Cast a network of explosive mines that attack the opponent. When this is going to collide with someone or something they will explode.

Missile in search of the leader of the race and strikes him without mercy wherever he is.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Recent News
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